Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dog Training Basics

It is essential for dog owners to know certain basic facts that can determine your relationship with your dog and can also go a long way toward training him effectively.

Before you begin training your dog, it is essential that you build a loving bond with him. This is important as it helps you to understand his needs and instincts and also allows your dog to have complete trust in you.

Know more about Dog care in this free mini course

How To Bond With Your Dog by Using Dog Training Basics

Building a bond with your dog is the first and the most crucial step involved in training him successfully. As soon as you bring your puppy or dog home, you must first try to develop a caring and loving relationship with him in order to win his trust and confidence.

When dogs are secure in the knowledge that they belong to the family, they are more likely to respond better to your training commands. As with any type of relationship, there must be mutual trust and respect between you and your dog.

Trust takes time to develop and respect comes from defining boundaries and treating any breach of those boundaries with firmness and fairness.

Without enforceable limitations, respect will not be developed. And when there is no respect, building a bond with your dog is almost impossible.

4 Golden Rules To Building A Relationship With Your Dog :

1. Spend quality time together;
2. Take him out in the world and experience life together;
3. Establish and promote a level of mutual respect; and
4. Develop a way of communicating to understand each other's needs.

Building a bond with your dog will not only help you manage him better but will also make your dog calm, quiet and an extremely well-adjusted pet.

Love Your Dog and He Will Love You Back

Once you have succesfully built a bond with your dog, you can rest assured that training him and teaching him new and clever tricks will be easy.

Learn how to bond with your dog with this free mini course.

How Your Dog Learns...

Your Dog's learning period can be divided into four phases:

1. The Teaching Phase - This is the phase where you must physically demonstrate to your Dog exactly what you want him to do.

2. The Practicing Phase - Practice makes Perfect. Once a lesson is learnt, practice with your Dog what you have just taught him.

3. The Generalizing Phase - Here you must continue practicing with your Dog in different locations and in an environment with a few distractions. You can take your Dog out for a walk, or to a nearby park and command him to practice whatever you've taught him.

Practicing the learned lessons in multiple locations and in the presence of small distractions will help him learn and retain lessons better .

4. The Testing Phase - Once you're sure that your dog has achieved almost 90% success....he responds correctly almost every time you give a command, you must start testing his accuracy in newer locations with a lot of distractions.

Example: Take him to the local shopping mall and ask him to obey your command. He may not come up with the correct response the very first time you do this, but you must not lose hope.

The idea is to test your dog to see how he responds in an environment which is new to him. Set up a situation where you are in control of the environment and your dog.

There are only 2 possibilities:

(a) Your Dog succeeds!!!

(b) Your Dog fails. Do not worry. Simply re-examine the situation. Review and/or change your training. Then try testing again.

Keep on testing until he succeeds. Follow the rule of the 3 Ps – patience, persistence, praise.

Internalizing Phase - Finally, comes the extremely rewarding phase where your dog does everything he is taught to do even without your commands.


Never scold your dog if he fails. It's not his fault. You have failed as a trainer!

You must be patient and persistent for your efforts to show rewards.

Appreciate and love your Dog when he does it right! A little encouragement will work wonders for your Dog.

Dog Training is easy when you do it right.

Learn how to train your Dog better with this free mini course. - click here!

Copyright (c) 2009

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Monday, May 24, 2010

How to Avoid Dog’s Bad Breath

Without most people knowing it, the solution to a dog’s bad breath is actually simple. All it would take is good hygiene and proper diet. Also, at the first sign of the problem, never hesitate to get the help of a vet. If these would be kept in mind, then there is no reason for the owner to live with a dog with a foul smelling breath. However, if a dog does develop bad breath here are some simple tips on how to get rid of dog bad breath.

First, check the mouth for any plaque or tartar in the teeth. If this is found then the dog it would be best to scrape them out as this is causing the bad breath in the dog.

Second, you will need a dog toothbrush. In some cases, a washcloth or gauze pad wrapped around a finger also works fine. You would also need a toothpaste specially designed for pets. Some things must be kept in mind. Dogs cannot spit and human toothpaste is not safe to swallow in large quantities.

Your dog will most likely swallow whatever you use to clean its teeth with. Therefore, it is important to buy toothpaste that has been designed specifically for dogs. A good alternative for cleaning your dog’s teeth is a mixture of vitamin C and water in a ratio of half teaspoon of vitamin C to a cup of water.

Third, it is important to be reminded that giving good oral care for our dog can actually help them have long lives by as much as three to five years. In order to successfully clean your dog’s teeth, you must get your dog used to having its mouth handled by lifting its lips and examining the teeth. This should be done around 2-3 times per week.

Also, it would be best if each time, you give your pet a small treat and lots of praise after you have finished. This way, the routine is reinforced. Your dog will be more comfortable with the teeth cleaning process when it knows there will be a treat when it is finished.

Fourth, giving bones to your pet to chew on is an effective method for keeping tartar from accumulating. The chewing movement also helps in keeping the dog’s teeth clean. Raw knuckle bones or the joints are great because they are soft and help the dog to scrape its teeth into the bone. This can be bought from any local butcher or even the meat counter at the community supermarket. These bones still have some tendons and muscle meat. They will clean your dog’s teeth and provide a nice oral exercise.

More so, this movement will provide a healthy amount of natural calcium. To add, this bone will be a natural treat for the dog. So it will enjoy a good knuckle bone. You would notice that it will be contented and relaxed while chewing. At the end of this exercise, the dog will become a little sleepy.

Finally, a healthy diet will help avoid dog’s bad breath. Keep them fed with enriched dog food and for sure they will remain healthy and fresh smelling.

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Home Dental Care for a Sheltie Puppy With Bad Breath

Sad to say, a Sheltie is one dog breed that is considered high maintenance. So it requires a lot of grooming and must be kept clean more often than other breeds. Its teeth must be brushed daily to keep it safe from plaque and tartar that causes bad puppy breath. Despite this, it is still possible to encounter a sheltie puppy with bad breath.

If you are a dog owner who owns a sheltie puppy with bad breath, here are some important home remedies that you could try before you head to the vet and rack up on expensive dental bills.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 1:

You can begin by checking on the puppy’s mouth. Slowly open the puppy’s mouth and check if there are foreign objects stuck in between the teeth. Slowly remove them if there are any. Also, get a wet gauze or cloth and clean the areas outside of the mouth. This area is prone to the buildup of food particles that cause the beginnings of bad breath.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 2:

Since the Sheltie is a puppy, it is best if you begin brushing its teeth while it is young. This way, it becomes used to the idea of having its teeth brushed. You can begin by slowly inserting your ginger into the pup’s teeth with a pet toothpaste applied on your finger. Eventually, use a finger brush to clean the pup’s teeth. Make sure to use a pet toothpaste that contains no artificial sweeteners such as xylitol nor use a toothpaste that has a high content of fluoride. These agents are known to have side effects on dogs.

It would also help if you use toothpaste that contains flavors that the puppy generally likes. There are many available products such as these in the market.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 3:

It is also important to feed the Sheltie puppy some treats that are natural yet helps clean plaque. Other dog owners feed their pets peeled and cubed apples as well as carrots. Not only are they nutritious for the animal, they also scrape whatever left over particles and tartar in the sheltie’s teeth. There are also some nutritious treats that are available that do the trick. Just use your imagination to find which one would be loved by your puppy.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 4:

Since it is a puppy, the Sheltie is obviously going to be teething. This is uncomfortable to the puppy because of the pain and soreness in the gums. It is best to give the puppy, a toy it can chew on. Not only will this relieve the puppy of its discomfort, it can also clean its mouth.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 5:

Also, it is important to check the ingredients of the puppy’s feed. It might contain ingredients such as tuna and salmon. Although these work for a cat, it would not do for a puppy. They leave a strong odor in the puppy’s mouth so it is best to get away from puppy food that contains any strong flavor.

Dog Breath Home Remedy 6:

You may also consider using mouth rinses that may help clean the puppy’s mouth as well as give it a nice and fresh smell. These are simply added into the puppy’s water and since it has no odor and taste, the puppy just gulps it down. This way, the puppy’s mouth is clean and sweet smelling.

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Gingivitis in Dogs = Bad Breath

Dog bad breath is not something that a dog owner will laugh about because of the shame it gives to him whenever friends come over to visit and smells the foul stench. It is important therefore to find the cause of the problem to be able to remedy it as soon as possible. That way, he would be able to feel proud about the pooch he has at home.

One of the main causes of dog’s bad breath a.k.a. halitosis is dog gingivitis. This problem is not only found in humans who fail to regularly brush their teeth but in animals as well. Although this is found in pets like dogs and cats due to irresponsibility of the owners who fail to properly take care of their pets. This is a problem that can easily be remedied if only the owner will spend time 2-3 times a week to clean their dog’s teeth. However, the frequency of teeth brushing becomes daily till the problem is resolved.

What is gingivitis anyway?

This medical condition is characterized by inflammation in the gum tissue that leads to redness and swelling. At times, occasional bleeding in the gum lines occurs. This is commonly brought about by dental plaque. Plaque deposits build up in the teeth when the bacteria that are normally found in the mouth combines with protein and starch that is found in the saliva. Through time, if the teeth are not regularly cleaned or if the plaque deposits are not scraped then the problem becomes worse.

How does gingivitis result in dog bad breath?

The plaque deposits are full of bacteria that create the bad smell associated with bad breath as it combines with the saliva in the mouth. Also, the smell becomes worse as the dog eats food because more bacteria are deposited into the plaque. The saliva itself starts to have a foul odor so bad breath becomes a systemic problem inside the mouth.

How is it treated?

If redness and swelling in the gum line is observed then chances are gingivitis is slowly eating into our dog’s teeth. If caught early, this is not a cause for concern as it can easily be reversed. The dog has to be brought to the vet for a procedure known as ultrasonic scaling where the teeth will be cleaned in the area above and below the gum line. This polishing will immediately stop the buildup of the plaque. After this is done then the bad breath will also be gone. Although this scraping will cause some discomfort to the dog as it would require the use of some anesthetic. Given the need for this medicine, it is best to prevent the appearance of the problem through regular teeth brushing. Besides, gingivitis leads to a more serious teeth medical condition known as dog periodontitis. So it is important to clean your dog’s teeth.

How can this be prevented?

Look at it this way, as it is important to clean our teeth, so it is with dogs. Just clean your dog’s teeth regularly and gingivitis will not claim any of its teeth. A yearly visit to the vet will also be good. Just follow these simple tips and for sure, your pooch will not turn into a bad breath dog.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dog Arthritis Treatment - What You Need to Know

It may surprise some of you to know that arthritis does not limit itself to the human species—it also attacks the animal population as well. Arthritis is one of the most prevalent conditions that vets have to treat. While this degenerative disease is inconvenient and distressing to our beloved dogs—you will be glad to know that you can obtain a good dog arthritis treatment easily enough.

A lot of times, it is the older dogs who suffer from arthritis. If your pet is more than ten years of age, you should be more cautious about their movements and take extra care of their diet. The natural wear and tear of their bones results in aches, pains and complications in their health. These senior dogs will most likely contract osteoarthritis—expect them to suffer a loss in hearing and vision as well.

Younger dogs can also suffer from arthritis if they sustain a critical injury that is not addressed properly. It may also be that they have infections or a special disorder that will aggravate the health of their joints and connective tissues. A good arthritis medicine for dogs will go a long way in ensuring that their quality of life will not be diminished because of it.

Before anything else, have the veterinarian assess the over-all condition of the dog. Sometimes arthritis can be mistaken for another illness entirely. Or perhaps, there is a pre-existing disease that you may not know about that needs to be addressed also. When you have an accurate diagnosis of the animal’s condition, you can proceed to deliberate on the best dog arthritic treatment to give.

Usually, NSAIDs or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat canine arthritis. It can be used together with an over the counter medication that will help relieve the symptoms of arthritis. Research on reliable canine websites to check on recommended supplements that will alleviate joint pains and impede the progression of arthritis.

You can also improve this condition by including essential vitamins and minerals in the canine’s diet. Alfalfa, yucca, mussels and stinging nettles are among some of the most helpful herbs with regard to curing arthritis. You can look for other natural remedies that can further assist you in keeping your pet in his best health.

While we can always rely on an excellent arthritis medicine for dogs—the preventative route is always the better direction to take. Have him take the necessary vaccines and maintain regular check-ups with the vet. A gentle and consistent exercise regimen is also one of the most important things you can do for him. The regular movement of light walking prompts essential fluids to lubricate the joints—helping the canine in his general mobility.

Arthritis can definitely take away the fun out of most of your doggie’s everyday moments but it doesn’t mean that it has to define your relationship with him. Do what you can to prevent dog arthritis and make the most out of every day you have with your furry friend.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Using Natural Dog Food For Your Pet's Best Health

Our pets, as members of our household, should be treated equally as family. They spend their lives giving us joy in their presence, company, loyalty and security. They are a reflection of who we are as owners and as responsible human beings. Thus, we should provide the best that we can for them, one of which is feeding them natural dog food.

Providing natural dog food to our beloved canines guarantees that we know what our pet consumes. It contributes security to our part as owners and gives us more authority over their welfare. It likewise helps keep abreast with their healthy and active lifestyle. It is an routine genuinely satisfactory for both parties.

Marketed natural dog food are usable but it can also be made by your own at home. When purchasing commercial ones, we must always interpret the label properly, including the ingredients and the nutrition facts. When choosing to make your own, one should take note of all the ingredients to be avoided and those which are best to use. On the whole, we must regard if we, ourselves, are willing to take in this kind of food.

A better alternative would be the use of organic dog food. Several have misconceptions with it and the natural alternative, believing it is just the same. Organic food does not contain additives, artificial preservatives, artificial colors or sweeteners. Those labeled as natural ones may still do comprise some to as much as only little that it can almost be classified as organic.

Since organic dog food has none of the unwanted ingredients at all, we can say it is healthier for our dogs. It is a notch higher than giving them the natural alternative, so to speak. It, as well can also be home-made as the marketed ones may tend to be more expensive than the regular dog food. However expensive it may be, it still is a better option and may actually be a cheaper alternative in the long run considering its health benefits, saving us money from unwarranted illnesses and medication.

Innova dog food is one of the commercially available alternatives for our pets. It is made with organic ingredients and only with natural preservatives such as Vitamins C and E; and has several varieties to choose from. Just make sure to pick out the correct one based on your pet's life stage, and breed because they do have different nutritional needs. Doing so would maximize the full potential of the chosen formula for our beloved canine.

Natural dog food and organic dog food may both be made at home and be purchased commercially. Those who opt to buy will find a good alternative in the likes of those of Innova dog food. Different varieties are available for our dogs' different needs; all made safe for human consumption, assuring us safety and good health benefits for our dogs.

-Melinda Smith


Great Dog Health Results from Great Dog Food

While there are plenty of ways to show our love for our dogs, nothing is more special than keeping them healthy and in good condition.In doing so, we have to be aware of the food that they eat. As responsible dog owners, it is our foremost responsibility to make sure that our dogs avail the right nutrition and all the essential nutrients that they need for their growth and development. Furthermore, we also have to be sure that these foods are safe and palatable enough to entice the appetites of our dogs. We would always want what is the best for our dogs. In the case of finding quality pet foods available in the market, the task is very basic though it also requires enough knowledge. As dog owners, we should pour in a substantial amount of effort in educating ourselves in the qualities that we should look for in a dog food. In this way, we will be able to provide our dogs with the best nutrition and nourishment they can possibly have. There are many available pet foods in the market and online, although, we have to be reminded that not all of them are good for our dogs. There had been reported cases of proliferation of low quality pet foods which are usually more affordable than high grade dog products.These low grade pet foods are making false claims on their nutritional value and nutrient content which makes them more attractive than more expensive brands of dog foods.

However, these pet foods are causing side effects which can further lead to serious illness and dog health problems. It has now become more apparent that in finding the best dog products for our dogs, we have to give more importance to the quality over the price. The price of the food for our dogs should never be an issue if we want to give them the best. Quality foods for our dogs can ensure us with the needed amount of nutrition and all the essential nutrients that can address the health and dietary requirements of our dogs. These quality dog products are usually manufactured by well-known pet food makers.

One of the premier manufacturers of pet foods is Honest Kitchen. The company has been supplying high grade pet foods including foods for the dog for many years. Honest Kitchen specializes in the manufacture of premium natural dog food. The company uses human-grade ingredients and production techniques which sets their products apart from other brands available in the market.

The company's pet food products are made using natural ingredients which make them more nutritious than other brands and types of dog products.Among the common ingredients in their pet food products are vegetables, fruits, meat and egg. The company utilizes natural dehydration technique to make sure that all the essential nutrients of the ingredients will not be lost. Since these pet foods are made using natural ingredients, they do not contain any form of preservatives and other harmful chemicals that can harm our dogs.

As responsible dog owners, we must invest a conscious effort in educating ourselves in finding the best dog food for our dogs. These dog products are available in variety in the market and it is our responsibility to provide our dogs with the best food that can provide the needed nutritional values and essential nutrients for them. One of the most noted manufacturers of quality pet foods including foods for the dog is Honest Kitchen. We must invest a conscious effort in educating ourselves in finding the best dog food for our dogs. Finding the best dog products available in the market is one of our main responsibilities as dog owners. As dog owners, we should only purchase quality dog products that can provide the needed nutritional values and essential nutrients for our dogs. One of the most noted manufacturers of quality pet foods is Honest Kitchen. Finding the best dog food available in the market is one of our primary duties as dog owners. These dog products are available in variety in the market. As dog owners, we should only purchase quality dog products that can provide the needed nutritional values and essential nutrients for our dogs. One of the most noted manufacturers of quality pet foods is Honest Kitchen.

-Melinda Smith


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dog Information For A Happier Best Friend

Dogs are considered to be like best friends to many pet owners. These pet owners might not even think about the quality of the food that they serve their dogs. Many pet owners are confused by the health issues that their dogs face. A lot of times the owners have no idea why the health problems occur.

Going to veterinarian for dog information every time the dog seems out of shape is not the best idea. Moreover a slight change in the dog diet could make him much more energetic and could bring a lot of difference in a dog's appearance and overall health.

The scraps and left over from food processors form the content of several dog foods. This does not form a healthy type of food. For the owners of dogs who are searching for dog information for a healthy diet, there are other methods. One alternative is to make your own dog food. The food prepared by a person for his family can be used for the dog. It should be cooled to room temperature in the refrigerator before the dog is fed.

However, there are several drawbacks to this arrangement. The most important one is that unless you are well versed in dog information and nutrition, you will not be able to guarantee that your dog is getting the proper nutrients from your diet. Also, feeding an extra mouth at the table can be expensive and time consuming.

A dog food that consists of only natural, human-grade ingredients would be a more beneficial choice. Pet food from Flint River Ranch is made under strict manufacturing conditions. Consequently, it is digested easily and has a higher level of vital vitamin and mineral absorption. Your dog will love the high quality pet food from Flint River Ranch.

If you want a healthier dog, and are trying to improve your dog's energy level and appearance, you should try Flint River Ranch pet foods. The Flint River Ranch owners are committed to producing a high quality pet product, and are happy to answer questions and give assistance to dog owners who are looking for the healthiest lifestyle possible for their beloved pets. Your dog can have the gift of health if you feed human grade, high quality dog food.

Many people turn to veterinarians for dog information to find out about their pet's health. Many brands of dog food contain leftovers and waste from food processing machines. Fortunately, there are alternative options for those in search of a healthier diet for their pet. You could make your own dog food, but you must be wholly conversant with your dog's nutritional needs, and it can be expensive. You can also use a brand of natural dog food made with organic ingredients, like flint river ranch dog food, which is produced under scrupulously controlled conditions.

-Brigitte Smith
