Saturday, April 14, 2007

Applying Eye Drops

Injuries, infections, and allergic reactions involving a dog’s eyes are very common. These problems are usually treated with drops and ointments. But before treating these types of conditions yourself, it is always best to consult a vet to make sure that you are using the proper medication and dosage. Never use old medicines to treat new problems. Although the new problem may look the same as the old one, the wrong treatment could make the condition worse.

1. Several common dog eye problems cause discharge from the eyes that can stain the dog’s facial hair. Before applying any type of eye medication, gently wipe away any debris from the corner of the eyes using moist cotton.

2. The next step is to irrigate the eye using a commercial eyewash solution or one that is provided by a vet. Never use eye drops intended for humans and be careful not to get any cotton fibers on the eye.

3. The last step is to apply the eye drops. Gently restrain the dog and hold the eye open. Bring your hand to the eye from behind and above to prevent the dog from getting scared. Gently squeeze the needed number of drops in the eye. Allow the eye to bathe in drops for a few seconds.

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Your Puppy's Diet

Liver is a very important part of your growing puppy’s diet. Whether it is chopped, raw or slightly braised, liver adds an essential nutrient to his meal that cannot be found from any other source. The only problem a dog owner may encounter when feeding liver to a puppy is diarrhea. Because of this, they should be trained slowly to eat liver and should not be fed amounts so great that their quantity, alone, produces a loose stool.

If you are feeding your puppy premium dog foods (NEVER feed normal commercial pet food), such foods should be improved by adding one tablespoonful of liver and one tablespoonful of corn oil per pound of dry matter. This is equivalent to approximately ¼ tablespoonful per can of canned food and 2/3 tablespoonful per 16 ounces of soft-moist.

The amount of good-quality protein may also need to be increased in some premium quality dog foods fed to puppies. This can be achieved by adding two ounces of any one of the following to each pound of canned food: cottage cheese, hard-boiled egg, processed American cheese, ground chuck, fried or baked fish or chipped roast beef. Four tablespoonfuls of dried, skimmed milk also add an adequate amount of extra protein to a dry food being used to feed a fast growing puppy.

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Preventing Heatstroke in Your Dog

Dogs do not cope very well when it comes to hot temperatures. And since they do not have sweat glands, they cannot lose heat by sweating. To keep your pet from getting heatstroke, never leave him in a car in very warm and sunny weather. Even when you are parked in a shaded spot with the windows partly open, your dog is still likely to get heatstroke. In addition, never leave a dog unsupervised in your car with the heater on during cold weather. In both cases, a dog could overheat and will not be able to cool himself down.

What to do when your dog suffers from heatstroke

The first sign of heatstroke is rapid and heavy panting along with salivation. The dog gradually becomes weak after a few minutes and then collapses while still panting.

Immediately remove the dog from the warm environment. Clear the mouth of saliva to help him breath with ease and sponge his face with cool water. Contact a vet for further treatment.

If you can, immerse the dog’s body in cool water. Do not use ice-cold water. Another effective treatment is to wrap him in towels soaked in cold water. Pour the water over the towels to prevent them from getting warm. In addition, make sure that your dog has plenty of drinking water.

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Dogs Need to be Comfortable!

Have you thought about what kind of bed to get for your new dog? Believe it or not, a bed is one of the essential pieces equipment that you can give to your dog. It is his place of sanctuary, where he can feel comfortable and secure. So unless you decided to share your bed with your new pup, then it is necessary to provide him with his own warm and relaxing bed.

Many dog owners leave their dogs wandering around the house without a bed to call his own. It is no wonder that you often find him sleeping on the sofa or sneaking into your bed. But even if you sometimes share your bed with your Pit Bull, he still needs his own soft, comfortable bed.

There are several sleeping options that you can provide for your dog. His bed can be as simple or as elaborate as you prefer. It can either be a thickly folded blanket, a big pillow or cushion, or a small mattress. There are also fancy beds that are especially designed for dogs such as a form fitting bean bag. And best of all, there are healthy dog bed options. It is also ideal for the bed to be washable to maintain its freshness and cleanliness. The idea is to have a place to lie on that is soft enough and warm enough for you dog's comfort.

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How to Help if Your Dog is Drowning

Most dogs enjoy playing and swimming in the water. Sometimes, they may go in the pool or the ocean in which they cannot get out. They start to get weak and swallow water and debris. When this occurs, it is important to drain the water from his mouth and clear his airway first before you begin administering the artificial respiration.

If you have a small dog, hold him just above the hocks on the hind legs to allow as much water as possible to drain from the lungs. An unconscious dog may be shaken moderately, but never vigorously. If you do not see any sign of breathing, you must immediately lay him on his side and start administering artificial respiration.

If you have a large dog, you need to lay him on his side with his head at the lowest possible position. The next step is to lift his hind legs as high as you can in order to drain the water from the lungs. Allow 30 seconds for drainage before starting with the mouth-to-nose resuscitation until the dog starts to gasp.

To prevent your dog from future accidents in the water, cover or fence off all swimming pools and garden ponds. Make sure that your dog is supervised every time he goes in the water. Do not let him enter turbulent water conditions with strong undercurrents.

CPR for Dogs

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Feeding a Newborn Puppy

There are two common methods that are being used to feed nursing puppies: Bottle feeding and tube feeding.

Bottle feeding: Bottles and nipples have been used for feeding newborn puppies for many years. The form most often used today is the toy doll's bottle. Most of these are made from plastic and some have real rubber nipples that are made in the same shape and form as the larger baby nipples. Bottle feeding a newborn puppy is not much different from bottle feeding an infant. Keep in mind that all equipment should be very clean. The bottles and nipples should be sterilized, the formula boiled, and the hands and utensils washed in hot soapy water.

Tube feeding: Another way of feeding a newborn puppy is through feeding tubes. With the proper equipment and experience, a pup's entire feeding can be placed into its stomach without getting the milk anywhere close to the trachea or the lungs. Once the dog owner is used to the technique of feeding the newborn puppy with a stomach tube it is unlikely that he will ever again feed a puppy with a bottle and nipple. The feeding tube eliminates bottles and nipples that have to be cleaned after each feeding and sterilized before the next. Also, the danger of inhaled milk, which sometimes happens during bottle feeding, is greatly reduced and the feeding time is reduced by 75 %.

Dog Health Newsletter

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Dog Products

If you are shopping for dog products for your dog's grooming needs then of course you will need to create an inventory list of all of the dog products that you will need to purchase based on what level of dog grooming your dog has reached.

The first grooming level is considered level one. You will have to stock up on dog products that will brush and stimulate the coat, dog products that will allow you to do proper teeth brushing, dog products that enables you to clean out the ears, and last but not least, a dog product that is perfect for eye drops.

And of course we have level two grooming, which consists of more thoroughly checked skin, eyes, ears, paws, etc. You will also need to have a dog product that will enable you to apply pesticide to kill and clean out any parasites. And last but not least, your dog product needs will pertain to nail clipping as well as a special bath and coat treatment product.

Dog Products Here!

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Dog Health Questions

Trying to predict what dog health symptoms that your dog might get is virtually impossible. You never know what can happen to your pet. And when your dog is injured or sick, then having a quick dog health symptom reference book on hand can be a life saver, literally.

It is best to be prepared for the most common injuries and dog health symptoms as well as having the appropriate necessary supplies that you can use at a moment's notice.

Below is are a list of 10 items of importance to have on handy in case any dog health symptoms pop up all of a sudden:

1. Bandaging materials
2. Duct tape to help immobilize your pet in case of emergency
3. Commercial muzzle
4. Information card with your pet's baseline temperature and weight
5. Antiseptic liquid
6. Ready made cold packs and hot packs
7. Bubble wrap for splinting
8. Rectal thermometer
9. Information card with your veterinary clinic contact information
10 Needle nose pliers to remove foreign objects

Dog Health Questions Answered!


Dog Food Options

Are you giving your dog the best nutrition he or she needs? Probably not. Most dog owners think nothing of the type of dog food they are feeding their lovable pets. More times than not they go for the cheapest hard-type dog food that their local store provides.

There are a lot of dog owners who also feed their dogs only human food. Both practices can be hindering your dog from reaching optimum nutrition and health. As animals, dogs are different from humans and need different nutrient ratios. In addition, simply serving your dog only dry dog food does not have all of the vitamins the dog needs.

The best sources of healthy dog food to buy your pet may not be at your local grocery store or pet store at all. In fact, you will find many online dog food stores that will provide you with choices that you might never see at your local dog food shop. By shopping online for your dog food you will find many varieties of dog treats, dog canned foods, dog gourmet foods, and unique dog recipes.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Treating Roundworms Naturally

Many parasites make their home in the dog's small intestine. Most of them belong to the ascarid family. But some dog parasites, such as those that belong to the group of toxacara, also infest your dog's large intestines. This type of parasite not only infests the large intestines but they also infest your dog's blood vessels and their respiratory tract.

This dog parasite is also very harmful to puppies. The worms are capable of passing through the gut wall, into the blood supply, right to the liver and lungs, where they are coughed up and swallowed. This is a process that repeats itself over and over again.

Roundworm is a dog parasite that is responsible for certain illness in puppies such as hepatitis and pneumonia. In adult dogs, the worms usually travel to the muscles where they remain inactive as cysts. In pregnant dogs, the dog parasites attack the embryo and then stay in the puppy's lungs.

This type of dog parasite is also very dangerous to children. Although it is very uncommon, they may possibly become encysted in the child's eye which in extreme case, cause eye loss. This can be avoided by immediately disposing of your dog's feces and making sure that children are trained not to put their hands in their mouths after touching a dog.

Checking Your Dog for Fleas, Lice and Other Dog Parasites

Give your dog a well-balanced diet, proper exercise, training, play-time, a whole lot of love and attention, and you'll have a dog that will live a long and healthy life! One that is free of diseases and dog parasites.

In addition, you can prevent him from catching different types of serious illnesses, disease, and dog parasites by taking basic, preventive measures. It is very important that he gets his regular vaccinations early on to lessen his vulnerabilities to diseases. You also need to keep a close eye on him, both physically, as well as his actions and behavior.

Check your dog for signs and symptoms of dog parasites every time you groom him. Common dog parasites that live on your dog's skin are fleas, lice, and ticks. Dog parasites such as fleas can be checked by running a fine-toothed comb over your dog's coat.

Dog lice are a little harder to detect, it is easier to spot lice eggs (nits) by looking for white, tiny dust like particles on your dog's coat. Ticks are a type of dog parasite that is easy to see because they attach themselves to the dog's hair and sink their mouths into the dog's skin to suck his blood. They eventually fall off and look for another victim, although some stay on your dog and cause severe illness and irritation.

Stop dog fleas and other dog parasites before they start - without poisons -
click here.

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Shelter Dogs

If you are in the market for a new family dog or puppy then by all means do not factor out what a great pet that you can get from your local dog pound. Not only will you save money if you get your new dog from the dog pound, but you will also be doing a lost or stray dog a great service by giving him a nice home.

Many people seem to think that all of the animals that are brought and stored at a dog pound are second-class pets that are either too old or too risky to bring home due to having been roaming free outside before being caught. In many cases this couldn't be further from the truth.

In fact, there are many situations where young puppies are brought to the pound because the owners cannot keep them. Other times there are well mannered and well trained adult dogs that are there because the owners were unable to take care of them for some reason. Not all of the dog pound dogs are strays.

Do not discount the dog pound if you are considering a new pet for the family. At least give it a shot, stop by the dog pound and take a look. You might be surprised at what you can find.

So is a pound dog for you?

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Miniature Dog Breeds

Are you interested in having a miniature dog as your next family pet? There is nothing more adorable than being able to literally hold your miniature dog inside of a purse or carry her on your shoulder. Not only are they cute, but because they are so small, these miniature dogs are very close and caring to their owner.

However, you must be careful to have your miniature dog around children. Because miniature dogs look and feel just like a toy to kids, it can be very dangerous when the children start to play rough with a miniature dog. Unfortunately, if you do have children and want to have a small dog breed as a pet, then you are going to have to study up on the best way to care for them.

There are many books that you can find in your local bookstore that can teach you all you need to know about living with, raising, and training your miniature dog breed but the best courses that are also the most up-to-date can be found online.

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Semi Moist Dog Food Packaging

You owe it to your dog to thoroughly inspect and check the dog food that you buy for him. If you are purchasing semi-moist dog foods that come wrapped in cellophane then be sure to follow the simple guidelines below.

The cellophane should be soft and pliable, and it should not be off color. Pillow-pouched bags should contain a small amount of air that does not escape under moderate pressure. A careful inspection should also be made through the unopened wrapper for any dull or furry, gray or black spots; or for any shiny or moist, whitish or yellowish spots. The first is mold growth, the second bacteria.

Soft-moist foods are not subjected to high heat and many species of both mold and bacteria remain viable in soft-moist foods. A little water is all either needs to get started, and away they go, held in check only by the inhibitors within the soft-moist food.

Once the visual inspection of the wrappers and wrapped surface of the food has been made, tear open the cellophane. Observe all odors at the time of opening the wrapper. Pick up a piece of the food and squeeze it. Regardless of the type, it should be soft, spongy, and tender. It should have a slight lubricated feel, but should not feel moist on the surface.

Better yet, buy a super premium food which will solve all your dog's dietary needs.

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Dog Mites

Have you heard of chiggers? Neither had I. But chiggers, although very hard to detect, can be a severe nuisance when they come in contact with human skin or dog skin. The resulting irritation can be very unpleasant.

A chigger is actually a type of mite. They are mites that are usually orange, red, or yellow in color. A larval chigger (mite) feeds on dogs and other animals. Their host's blood enables them to grow and mature into nymphs.

The nymphs then develop into adult chiggers or larger mites that lay eggs and begin the cycle over again. The adult chigger (mite) feeds on plants, therefore the larvae are usually found in wooded areas.

These type of mites can be found in almost any part of the dog's body, although they most often settle toward the head, neck, ear canals, ear flaps, and abdomen.

Consult with your vet if you think your pet encounters this unusual type of mite. He or she will probably a type of insecticidal preparation to the affected areas as well as prescribe an antibiotic steroid cream to soothe the itching and bring down the swelling.

But much better for your dog would be an all natural parasite solution - so click here.

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Pit Bull Dog Breed

If you are shopping for a Pit bull dog but have been scared off by the rumors that they at just overly aggressive animals just looking for their next bite victim, then think again! Pit bull dogs have gotten a bad rap over time, but it is not totally the fault of the breed itself.

Pit bull dogs are a unique breed of dog that are indeed on the dominant side, no doubt about that, but they also need to be raised a certain way so that this lovely little Pit bull puppy remains a lovable caring dog as they grow into adulthood.

You see, these attacks that you have heard about in the news were most often the result of the Pit bull dog owners now appropriately understanding totally this particular breed in which they are raising. There is a lot of information to study about Pit bull dogs if one is going to raise on to have in their home.

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Worms as a Result of Dietary Deficiencies in Your Dog

Internal parasites are a constant threat to dogs because of their natural habits. Moderate infestations with intestinal worms may go unnoticed unless the dog is eating a deficient diet. When puppies are infested with only moderate amounts of roundworms, fed diets containing inadequate protein, the injury resulting from the worms is far greater than the injury would be in puppies eating an adequate diet. This is because the protein deficiency favors the rapid growth and build-up of the parasites.

Every new parasite further decreases the effective value of what little protein the dog does eat. Feeding the infested dog a diet adequate in protein stops the injuries and weight loss being caused by the worms, but will not reverse these effects until the dog is wormed. On the other hand, dogs that are fed adequate levels of energy and protein show very little adverse effects from even heavy infestations with roundworms, except for being slightly underweight. This is immediately corrected when the dog is wormed.

Dietary considerations should be made from the viewpoint of prevention rather than from the viewpoint of treatment. Dogs that are being fed with diet adequate in protein and energy have far less susceptibility to either roundworms or hookworms, and are much more capable of resisting potential worm infestations.

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Ticks, Tick Repellant and Tick Removal

Ticks are creepy little insects that cause irritation and disease to both humans and animals. To prevent ticks from becoming a problem, tick repellents are widely available and very effective. In locations where ticks are abundant, see your vet and ask for recommendations on a good insecticidal bathing or dipping.

The chances of acquiring Lyme disease depends on the length of time the tick is attached to your flesh. The best way of minimizing the risk of infection is to take it immediately.

This type of tick looks very similar to a mole or a blood blister. Ticks are black and some female ticks are dark red, and all ticks turn gray and blow up when filled with blood.

To remove a tick, grab the exposed part of its body near the dog's skin with tweezers or forceps. Very gently, pull it with a smooth, steady pressure. Try not to pull the tick with your fingers because it could be carrying a disease that is toxic to you.

Do not be concerned if the tick's mouth parts or head get stuck in the dog's skin. Leftover parts will not poison your dog, although it may cause a temporary and minor irritation. Rubbing antiseptic on the bitten area after removing the tick will help prevent the inflammation. Avoid contact with the tick.

For information on parasite control by completely natural means that really works - click here.

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Benefits of Small Dog Breeds

Dogs are wonderful pets. They shower you with plenty of love and affection. Moreover, owning a dog is said to produce a calming effect to their owners, and are also helpful in lowering high blood pressure.

But what kind of dog is right for you? Should you get a small dog breed or a big dog breed? And if you decide to get a small dog, what are your choices? Which small dog is right for you?

Nowadays, more and more pet owners are choosing to get a small dog rather than a big dog. One obvious reason is that a small dog is very convenient and practical to own. A small dog does not require a big place. You do not have to live in a big house with a big yard to own a small dog. In fact, you can live in a small studio apartment and still be able to keep a small dog without any difficulty.

A small dog is also perfect for an elderly person, especially those living alone. And although small dogs require more exercise than large dogs, they usually get enough of it from just running around the house or apartment.

For information on specific dog breeds, click here.

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Treating Ringworm Naturally

Ringworm is a type of fungus that is very contagious to both pets and humans. Aside from giving your dog bald patches, ringworm can cause itchiness and discomfort. Below are two suggestions for clearing up the infection caused by ringworms and get a speedy recovery.

1. In order to prevent ringworm from spreading all over your dog's body, trim the hair around the area of the bald spots. Trimming the hair also makes the infected area easier to treat and faster to heal.

You should trim your dog's hair every week or every other week, depending on how fast his hair grows. Continue with the process until the ringworm infection is cleared up. Also, keep in mind that ringworm eats hairs that are both on and off your dog. For this reason, make sure to clean up thoroughly after giving your pet a haircut.

2. You can use an over the counter anti-fungal treatment. This treatment may come in the form of liquid, ointment, or cream and is effective for controlling the spread of ringworm.

For the treatment to work, rub a small amount of the medication into your dog's skin twice everyday. Consult your vet to find out which medication will work best for your dog.

Preferable to having to treat your dog for ringworm is of course to avoid ringworm in the first place. And there's a great natural way of preventing ringworm - click here.

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What to Look for When Buying a Puppy

Are you looking for puppies for sale? Are you wondering if there certain things that you have to consider when choosing a puppy or puppies for sale?

When choosing the right puppy among the litter of puppies for sale, there are certain characteristics to look for.

1. Healthy puppies for sale should have a nose that is cold and wet when they're awake and without any discharge or sneezing.

2. Healthy puppies for sale should have ears that are clean. Inner ears should be pink and free of any redness or discharge. In addition, the ears should not have any unpleasant odor.

3. Puppies for sale should have a pleasant breath. Teeth must be white and straight, gums should be pink.

4. Puppies for sale should have coats that are shiny and clean. No signs of itchy or bald patches should be apparent. Also check for fleas and other visible signs of parasites.

5. The eyes of puppies for sale must be bright and clean with no watering or redness. Under lids must be a healthy pink.

6. Skin of healthy puppies for sale should be clean and dandruff free with no visible signs of sore patches or blemishes.

Haven't decided what breed of puppy you're looking for yet?

Here's some helpful information on dog breeds - click here.

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Ear Wounds in Dogs

The most common injuries that happen to our dogs involve the head area. And it is the ears that are most frequently torn in dogfights. The ears also tend to bleed profusely. So if your dog comes back injured with an ear wound, then take the following three simple steps to bandaging the area:

1. First make sure that your dog is calm from whatever fight he got into. Then clean the wound with warm water and a light disinfectant. Be sure not to get any hair or other small particles inside the wounded area.

2. Next, wrap the ear with a bandage. You should have plenty of bandage material from your pet emergency first aid kit but a cloth or shirt will do just fine. Wind the bandage around the head to keep it secure and to prevent the ear from bleeding when the dog shakes his head.

3. Continue with bandaging his ear by wrapping it around his head over and over until it is secure. Avoid putting any unnecessary pressure on the windpipe. If need be, you want to use what is called an “Elizabethan Collar”. Now get your dog to the vet immediately for further medical attention.

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Dog Treats - More Than a Tasty Snack!

Correct dietary health is the most important factor in caring for your dogs. They need to right amount of vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy and stay active. But while certain types of foods give them the required vitamins and nutrients, we should not overlook the benefits and values of giving them dog treats.

Dogs need constant love and attention, and one way to show them that they are being appreciated and loved is giving them delicious dog treats. Because dog treats taste much better than regular dog food, giving your dog tasty dog treats as a reward every time he does something good will make him remember the good deed and encourage him to do it again.

Dog treats are also a good tool when training your dog. For them, nothing else says they are doing a great job than a pat on the head, praise, and dog treats to go along with it. Giving them dog treats during training also encourages them to work harder. Providing dog treats during training will also make the experience more fun and enjoyable.

Dog Treats Online!

Dog Food Comparisons

Although there are several kinds of dog food brands to choose from, take into consideration the ingredients that are within the food. The more meat-based protein that is in the food, the better it will taste for your dog and the healthier it will be for your dog. And for that reason, the top natural dog food brand is natural balance ultra premium.

Other dog food comparisons that are worth mentioning include Life's Abundance dog food, Sojos Homemade Dog Food Mix, Flint River Ranch, and Honest Kitchen Dog Food. You will find that all of these dog food brands are better than any you'll buy in your supermarket, and the ingredients are still atop the list for some of the best food around.

For Dog Food Comparisons, and more information, click here.

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Review of Dog Food Brands

There are several kinds of natural dog food that is on the market and a plethora of different dog food brands to choose from. One of the best kinds of natural dog food is natural balance ultra premium dog food. This dog food is expensive, but many reviews have found that the ingredients are the best you can buy for your dog.

At approximately $21 for a 17-pound bag, you will find organic ingredients, quality meats and a lack of by-products. Some of the ingredients found in this dog food brand include chicken, brown rice, lamb meat, oatmeal, potatoes and chicken fat. Because of the price, it is recommended that you look for dog food coupons so you can supply your dog with nothing but the best.

More Dog Food Revews

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Natural Dog Food Reviews

When it comes to dog food, there are several types of food, flavors, and brands to choose from. It can be a difficult process finding the best food and selecting the right dog food brand to maintain your dog’s health. Luckily for dog owners, there are dog food ratings that can help you decide what is best for your dog.

There are three kinds of dog foods, but for this article we will focus on the various dog food brands available for natural dog food. Natural dog foods generally contain only fresh, natural and wholesome ingredients. There are several benefits to choosing natural dog food over other kinds of food, but your dog will find that the protein and carbohydrate ingredients are easily digestible.

There have been a number of reviews and scientific studies that have shown that the best ingredient in dog food is meat-based protein. You will find that any many dog food brand’s the main ingredient is corn meal, flour or corn gluten meal. While not all natural dog foods contain meat-based protein, a majority of the brands do.

Natural Dog Food Reviews

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Dog Health Questions

There are a number of health concerns that you may encounter with your dog throughout their lifespan. Being prepared and knowing the signs of sickness will help you maintain your pet dog’s health. Knowing what types of nutrients to feed them and how to get rid of diarrhea or fleas or constipation are all pet health questions that you may need to learn. Here are a few dog health questions and answers to help you out.

1. How do you resolve constipation in dogs?
This is a common pet health question that many people will face with their dog at some point in time. The most common cause of constipation is an unbalanced diet in which a lack of fiber causes a build up of drying feces. Adding a teaspoon of fiber to their usual meal will help increase their fiber intake and eliminate the build up of drying feces. If the constipation does not clear in a few days, you may need to take your dog to a veterinarian.

2. How do you resolve diarrhea in dogs?
Diarrhea can become a serious concern to your pet dog’s health if it goes on too long. You have to become worried about dehydration and further complication if it drags on too long. You can help the problem by feeding your dog white or brown rice with their usual meal, along with giving them an over-the-counter remedy.

3. How often should you give you bathe your dog?
Dogs can be placed in water as often as you would like them to be as long as you don’t use any kinds of soap. If you are giving them bath and cleaning them with soap, no more than one bath a month should be implemented when using human soap. Human soap can lead to an imbalance of sweat with dogs. Even when using dog-specific soap, no more than one bath every few weeks should be given.

4. What is the best food to feed a dog?
This is a difficult pet health question to answer because there isn’t necessarily a right answer. Different foods are better for different dogs, but there are certain things that aren’t necessarily good for any dogs. If you can, try to avoid store-bought foods that contain by-products of any kind in them. The best food for many dogs is rice, meat-based foods and even some eggs for protein from time to time.

Taking care of your pet dog’s health is absolutely vital to increase their lifespan. Everything from what to feed them to how to handle a common cold should be taken into consideration. If you aren’t sure of the answer, don’t hesitate to look online or ask your veterinarian your pet health question.

Dog Health Questions Answered!

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Raw Food for Dogs

Some people who are not completely sold on the entire raw food diet for their pet’s health will opt to go for a half raw food and half dry food diet, which is good as well. Just as long as you include some amount of raw food it will be extremely beneficial for a number of reasons.

Raw food diets for dogs have been found to help the body of your dog deal with common ailments such as flea infestations, allergies, immune disorders, continual shedding and much more. The kind of diet that you present to your dog and the healthy foods that you give to your dog will create a long-lived life. By providing healthy food, it will help your dog build immunity, heal quicker from illness and overall just become a healthy canine.

The worry that people have regarding raw foods, especially raw meat, is e. coli and salmonella. What most people don’t know is that the way dog’s digestive systems are designed they are made to accommodate raw meat unlike humans.

For more information on what to feed your dog, click here.

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Healthy Dog Foods

There is an array of different kinds of healthy food for dogs that are raw, which most dogs like because of the variety. As mentioned above, raw meat is the best kind of food to build up a healthy canine. Things like raw chicken and turkey necks are great, as well as raw poultry bones. Raw poultry bones are very beneficial because they are healthy and it is a great way to clean your dog’s teeth. The best kind of raw meat is naturally raised, hormone and antibiotic free or organic meat.

Whenever you change your dog’s diet, especially when you begin feeding healthy food for dogs, you want to start small. Having a different diet will take time for the dog’s digestive system to adjust and you may notice either diarrhea or constipation at first. Over time, you will be able to gradually build up until you are feeding your dog only raw foods. If you dog can handle it, a combination of raw foods and hard foods is ok.

While there are a number of different healthy foods for dogs, putting them on a raw food diet can be extremely beneficial. Just remember to gradually introduce the food to their digestive system because it will be hard at first. The end result though will be a healthy canine with a stronger immune system.

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Premium Dog Food

Premium dog food is some of the best you can give your dog to help them maintain a healthy diet and remain energetic.

Premium dog food tends to provide more nutrients that can be better absorbed by the body. Because of this, you will notice that the amount your dog eats is less, but your dog will feel more satisfied and energetic than eating lower cost foods. Therefore, in a sense you will be saving money by them eating less.

It should be obvious that putting your dog on premium dog food will be beneficial to their overall health, as well as their appearance. Everything from their teeth to their coat to their fur will be affected for the better with healthy dog food. Although it can be more expensive than other kinds of foods, it’s hard to put a price on your dog’s health.

As with your own food, a healthy dog food should contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Premium dog food contains vitamins and minerals that balance a dog’s nutritional needs. While they will cost more than other foods you can feed your dog, they contain no indigestible fillers or additives.

You can never completely prevent allergies in a dog prone to them, but you can limit how severe their allergies are. Unlike commercial dog foods, most premium dog food does not contain dye, which is the main source for allergies in many dogs. By providing them with healthy dog food you will help them create a balanced diet and a better nutrition that will also help your dog fight off allergies.

One of the biggest benefits to feeding your dog healthy dog food, especially premium quality dog food, is how it will affect their fur. Over a period of time that your dog is on the new diet, you will notice that their fur is much sleeker and will look a lot healthier than before. This can help reduce the amount of hair that your dog sheds as well.

Feeding your dog premium quality dog food will provide them a glistening overall appearance because of the nutrition that is provided. Premium dog food helps clean your dog’s teeth, build up strong bones, and as mentioned above it will give them a shiny coat.

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Diagnosing and Treating Heartworm Naturally

Heartworm is parasitic worm that can grow to be twelve inches or longer, and left untreated, will kill your beloved dog. Heartworm is a serious, life-threatening disease requiring immediate treatment once infection has been discovered. Herbal heartworm treatments and other natural heartworm treatments are certainly available, though less well known than the toxic conventional treatments. Although these natural heartworm treatment regimes are nowhere near as painful or risky as conventional heartworm treatments, recovery from well established heartworm can still be considerably uncomfortable for your pet.

Mosquitoes infected with the heartworm parasite transmit heartworm. And once a mosquito is infected, whenever the mosquito bites another animal, heartworm is spread. Although heartworm is not contagious, it is certainly possible, and relatively common, that more than one animal in the household can contract heartworm. This is obviously because an infected mosquito is likely to bite more than one of your pets, and/or if there is one infected mosquito in or around your yard, there are very likely to be more of them. There is no risk, however, to housing a heartworm positive dog with an uninfected animal, as there is no risk of direct infection from the infected dog to an uninfected animal.

Heartworm is a parasitic problem much more common in warmer climates than in more temperate countries. Heartworm is therefore prevalent in every State in the U.S., and countries as far flung as Australia and Hong Kong, as well as southern France, Spain, Italy and the Mediterranean, and many others. In fact, some experts believe that heartworm is now present on every continent of this planet, with the exception of Antarctica. While that may be, heartworm is as yet relatively unknown in the U.K. and some other cooler climactic areas. There does appear to be a growing awareness of the problem, but many people have very little knowledge of how heartworm is spread, and why preventative medications are so important.

Heartworm is caused by the bite of a mosquito and the adult heartworm is found in the right ventricle and the nearby blood vessels of the dog's heart. Heartworm is a disease that every dog that is ever exposed to mosquitoes is susceptible to.

Symptoms of heartworm disease usually include coughing, weight loss, lack of energy and breathing difficulties. However, during the early stages of infestation, there may be few, if any, symptoms. Indeed, heartworm can develop to a very advanced stage before your pet shows any symptoms at all, and this process can take anywhere up to 18 months. This is one of the reasons why a heartworm diagnosis is such a serious matter – by the time your pet is diagnosed, he or she is likely to have a mass of heartworm clogging up his/her heart and surrounding blood vessels.

Heartworm can be diagnosed with blood tests, and/or X-rays, as well as various other types of tests. Heartworm testing will only be carried out as a matter of course in areas where heartworm is prevalent. However, you have every right to request that your pet be tested for heartworm, and to expect your vet to adhere to your wishes in this regard.

For more information on treating heartworm with herbs, click here:

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Prevent Heartworm Naturally

Heartworm is a completely preventable disease. Do not ignore your vet when he or she tells you that heartworm prevention is important for your dog. It IS. In fact, it can literally save your dog’s life, or at the very least, save your dog from an expensive and painful treatment regime.

The heartworm prevention your vet will recommend will likely be one of the well known brands such as Heartgard. Such preventative medications do work very well, but then again, so do natural alternatives such as herbs.

Prevent Heartworm with Herbs

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Natural Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is a serious parasitic infection that eventually fills up so much of your dog's heart and surrounding arteries, that your dog will have increasing difficulty breathing, and moving around at all, due in part to the lack of oxygen he is able to breathe in.

Although heartworm can be prevented, once your dog has established heartworm, what are your options? You can opt for your vet's expensive, painful and toxic treatment, or you can consider a herbal heartworm treatment that often works as well as the drugs, and are considerably easier on your dog's system while your dog is recovering.

Learn more about preventing heartworm naturally here -

Heartworm Natural Treatment and Prevention Options

Does your vet tell you about natural heartworm prevention, or only about the chemicals that most vets recommend? Heartworm is a deadly condition which must be avoided by some type of prevention regime, and natural heartworm prevention works just as well as its chemical counterpart. What you need to know about preventing heartworm in your dog naturally …

Although it may seem like a harmless mosquito, the result can be much more devastating than one may assume. Heartworm can cause serious, and life-threatening, problems for dogs making it essential that you give them an ongoing herbal heartworm treatment of some sort. So what is the best natural heartworm prevention you may wonder?

So, what’s your take on mosquitoes? A pesky little fly which can bite you, draw your blood, and cause a nasty, itchy patch? Well, that’s the least damaging problem that mosquitoes can cause. For humans they can, in certain locations, cause the debilitating condition, Malaria. And for pets, they can cause heartworm. In case you’re uncertain as to what heartworm is, it is a life-threatening condition which, if left untreated, will prove fatal to your pet. Natural heartworm prevention is a viable alternative to the chemical heartworm prevention methods recommended by almost all vets.

The goal of herbal heartworm treatment is to kill the larvae off before they develop into adults. As soon as the larvae turn into adults, they fill the heart and block the flow of blood to the lungs. By giving the dog a pill, as recommended by many veterinarians, the ongoing small dosage can have toxic side-effects.

Mosquitoes are parasites, making it essential to get an anti-parasitic herbal heartworm treatment. A few anti-parasitic herbs will not only fight off mosquitoes, but also the common fleas and ticks.

One particular herbal heartworm treatment that is very effective on dogs is Geranium, which is oil that repels mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. Make sure you use the Geranium oil externally, though. The same goes for Lavender Oil and Tea Tree oil – also good for repelling nasty parasites when applied externally. The best way is to add a few drops of these oils in their pure, essential oil form, to a spray bottle with water in it, and spray your dog at least twice per day, and preferably several times per day.

Some other herbs which have excellent anti-parasitic properties include Garlic, Black Walnut, Artemisia, Wormwood, Clove Fower Buds, Ginger Root, Turmeric, Spearmint, Hawthorn Berry, and Capsicum.. The key is in using the right combination of these herbs to do the best job, and these herbs are given to your dog as an interal cleanser – either in tablet form or as a powder sprinkled on your dog’s food or mixed with water and licked up as a paste. The taste is rather bitter, though, so many dogs are not keen on the taste. There is some evidence to suggest, however, that a dog with heartworm will readily lick up these herbs because the dog instinctively knows that the herbs are what he needs.

You can find more information on natural heartworm prevention, at the Heartworm Treatment and Prevention website where you can find articles, treatment methods and other information on how to treat heartworm naturally with herbs.

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Dog Care

Are you equipped with the proper dog care first aid items in case your lovable dog gets hurt or bitten somehow while roaming outside, or even in the backyard? My neighbor certainly learned his lesson when it came to not having the right dog care kit available.

One afternoon a friend's dog was out roaming the country side on his 5 acre property and within an hour he heard the most frightening yelping and crying noises coming from his dog. As he ran outside he saw his poor pet come limping to the backyard with blood running all down his head as well as his paw.

With no dog care kit around the house he didn't know what to do so he called for help. The animal hospital was closed and so without immediate assistance he had to wait hours upon hours for his dog to get help, and without any available dog care in the meanwhile.

Had he at least had a dog care first aid kit he could have helped clean the wounds up a bit. Because it was so late in getting help, his dog developed a major infection. Moral of the story? Have a first aid dog care kit available in case of emergencies.

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Types of Dog Breed Birth Defects

A vital part of good prevention is to know the common types of illnesses and disorders associated with particular dog breeds. For dogs, the parts of their body that are most frequently affected by congenital problems are the central nervous system, the eyes, the muscles, and the bones. For instance, the Beagle, Collie, Miniature Poodle, German Shepherd, and Keeshond are more likely to inherit epilepsy.

Also, different types of nervous system disorders are often passed on within certain breeds. Examples are paralysis of the front and back legs, which is common in the Irish Setter, a failure of muscle coordination common in Fox Terrier, and abnormal swelling of the brain is common in the Chihuahua, English Bulldog, and Cocker Spaniel.

A great number of common breeds suffer from congenital eye abnormalities including glaucoma, cataracts, and blindness.

A hernia is a common muscular problem for many breeds. Breeds such as Basenji, Basset Hound, Pekingese, Lhasa Apso, and Cairn Terrier have a high risk for inguinal hernias (gut protrudes into the groin). Umbilical hernias (gut protrudes through the navel) are inherited defects in breeds like Bull Terrier, Cocker Spaniel, Pekingese, Basenji, Collie, Weimaraner, Airedale Terrier, and Pointer.


Can You Trust Your Dog Food Company?

The proper selection of a dog food is the most important thing a dog owner can do. Why then, when the procedure seems such a necessary step to proper feeding, do so many dog owners refuse to subject the food they feed to a critical evaluation before they feed it to their dog?

The answer is probably because they don't know how to. Companies making dog foods, who do know how, have traditionally provided only "feeding instructions," but never instructions for a procedure that might enable a customer to discover a product that was superior to their own.

The widely held belief that any food, simply because it is the product of the American pet food industry, is automatically adequate and nourishing to a dog, is pure myth. A feeling of security because the food has been purchased from your trusted local grocery is based on even less reality.

There is only one way to select a food that you can be confident will provide your dog with adequate nourishment. That way is to subject all of the foods available to you to a critical evaluation program. The time taken to correctly make a food evaluation is time well spent, and the procedure should never be slighted.

Click here for information on what's really in your dog's food. Be ready to be shocked.


Treating Anemia in Your Dog

Anemia is a condition that is commonly caused by blood loss from wounds or parasites such as worms and fleas. Symptoms of anemia in dogs include white or pale gums, weakness, and a fast pulse. Sometimes this condition indicates a more serious illness such as toxicity that results from a drug exposure. However, the more simple and common cause of anemia which is blood loss can be easily treated with a view toward promoting the growth of new red blood cells.

You need to give your dog a special diet rich in iron, protein, and vitamin B12. The following lists of foods and supplements are especially helpful and provide the necessary nutrients that your dog needs to treat anemia.

1. Beef liver which contains iron, protein, B complex, and B12.
2. Kelp powder which contains iodine and other trace minerals.
3. Green vegetables which contains iron and other minerals.
4. Nutritional yeast along with B12 which offers the same benefits as the liver.
5. Vitamin C, from 500 to 2,000 milligrams per day (depending on the dog’s size) which helps with the absorption of iron from the intestinal tract.

If the condition is caused by parasites, then you will need to nip the problem in the bud and treat the parasite infestation first before using any other forms of treatment.

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The Great Labrador

The Labrador Retriever's keen sense of smell and ability to train have earned him a place in many police and military forces around the world. During World War II, Labrador Retrievers were used throughout Europe to scout fields for undetected land mines. They were credited with many finds and exhibited a stick-to-it-iveness not found in other breeds that were tested for the job. They have also been trained as messengers to cover terrain that is all but impassable by man.

Many municipalities currently employ the services of skilled Labrador police dogs. They are primarily called upon for scent-discrimination details, such as tracking criminals in buildings or detecting hidden narcotics, weapons, and bombs. Once a substance has been detected, the dog does not retrieve the material unless specifically ordered by his master, but rather indicates the location to his trainer. This is to insure against possible injury to the dog.

Labradors are working dogs.


Your Friendly Labrador

If you are looking for a guard dog, the Labrador is not the breed for you. They do not have the same protective instinct as a Rottweiler. But a Lab will bark if someone is outside where he cannot see or if he hears a strange noise. He will bark when a car pulls up the driveway, but once the people enter the house they are greeted and welcomed like family members. This friendly temperament is the most wonderful aspect of the breed and is one of the reasons they are so popular as family dogs.

Good breeding is the key. Even though your Lab may accidentally knock a child with his incredibly strong, happy tail, you will not have to worry about him attacking or biting in a protective manner. It is not part of his makeup.

Labradors are active, smart, fast learners, and eager to please. They can be stubborn but can be easily persuaded to see things your way with encouragement and praise. They will work for food rewards but just as eagerly or more for your praise. They love to have something to carry around, and playing fetch is usually a favorite game. Their noses are very keen. Their eyesight and hearing are also highly developed, but their noses seem to be their guiding force.

Dog Lice

Chances are that you have noticed lately that your dog's new favorite hobby is scratching himself in at least three places at once. When you part his coat to examine what is causing the itch and excessive scratching, you notice tiny white dust-like particles that are attached to the hair shafts. What are these tiny particles and why are they causing your dog to itch?

Your dog is suffering from lice infestation. Dog lice are six legged parasites that feed either on your dog's flesh or their blood, triggering intense itchy reactions. The tiny white particles that are attached to his hair are lice eggs or nits. Although dogs rarely get lice and it is actually more common for people to get human lice, dog lice is still out there and our dogs are not immune to them.

One tiny louse cannot kill your dog, but once that tiny louse decides to invite all his louse friends to live off of your dog, then your pet could literally be eaten alive. If your dog is suffering from a severe case of lice, he could lose about one quarter of his blood volume within months, causing severe anemia or shock.

Solve your dog's lice problem!

Dog Tags - Safety for Your Dog

Is it important to have dog tags connected to your dog's collar? Of course it is! What if your dog wandered off by accident and got lost? How would someone know how to find its owner without having a dog tag connected to it?

Dog tags do not have to be fancy by any means. Simply have a tag made out with your name, your phone number, your dog's name, and of course your address. Dog tags are an important precaution to take to insure that your pet comes back to you in case of some unforeseen circumstances causes him to get lost.

You can find dog tags at any number of local pet shops and especially online. In fact there are hundreds of online dog tag stores that will provide you with exactly the look you desire and will engrave all of the information that you want to have. And depending on your needs, all of this can be as little as $3.95 plus shipping and handling for each dog tag.

And hey, have you heard about the innovative new dog tag and wallet card program to ensure that someone will care for your dog if you're involved in an accident? Or how about rescuing your dog if your house catches fire while you're out at work?

It's called the Pet Home Rescue Lifeline. It really is a lifeline for your pet if your pet is home alone and an emergency happens. Get a lifeline for your dog!

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Dog Training Products

What type of dog training products do you need in order to teach your dog all of the basic manners and behaviors of a well trained dog? That answer to that question would invariably depend on what type of training tactics you plan on using.

Although using harsh and punishment-like methods of training is frowned upon, there are still many dog owners who insist on using dog training products like choke collars, spiked collars, and even electrical shock devices, all in order to simply training their dog in the same way that loving methods can work just as good, if not better.

Since you want to use love and care with your dog training then you need not worry about purchasing what are often considered to be bordering on inhumane dog training products. In fact, you may need very little in the way of dog training products at all. To get a list of your needs and all of the training aids available, visit the many dog training product stores that are online.

Click here for one such resource.

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Watch Dog for Your Family

Are you in search of a new puppy that you can bring home to the kids that will make a great family watch dog when he grows up? What family doesn't? But what type of dog would make a great family watch dog?

I know that the first thought that comes to my mind when I hear "family watch dog" is a German Shepherd or a Golden Retriever. Or how about a big tough Rottweiler for a family watch dog?

With all of this talk about a family watch dog nobody ever seems to mention our little friends that, although lacking in size, make up for it in barking. I'm talking about one of my favorite dog breed called the Chihuahua!

You know these little guys make fantastic family watch dogs. They are so high strung and will just bark and yap away if the hear the faintest of sounds at night.

I have had small dogs all of my life and have felt totally safe with my little taco bell dog watching over us as we sleep. People always laugh when I tell them that my family watch dog is a Chihuahua, but it's true and there is nothing worse that a night-time burglar hates than the loud warnings of a Chihuahua yelping from afar!

For more information on dog breeds - click here.

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Grooming Supplies for Your Pit Bull

Although your Pit Bull does not need a full cabinet of beauty aids like some dogs do, he will still need a few basic essentials. It is necessary for him to have a few health and grooming supplies to keep him looking sharp and feeling great. Having the right grooming supplies also enables you and your dog to have a more enjoyable grooming session.

A natural bristle brush is recommended in order to maintain his smooth and shiny coat. While Pit Bulls do not get tangled hair, a brush is necessary to remove dead hair, stimulate the skin, and distribute oils. It is not necessary to brush his coat everyday; however it is a great way to give your dog a little pampering that he deserves. Brushing your Pit Bull also gives you the opportunity to spend quality time with him which helps in creating a stronger bond between you and your pet.

For bathing, you can either use a regular dog shampoo or a tearless shampoo. It is also good to have a rinse-free shampoo handy for quick-fixes.

In addition, have your Pit Bull get used to having his teeth brushed while he is still a puppy. You may add a meat flavored doggy toothpaste to make the task more enjoyable for your dog.

Lastly, you will need a good pair of nail clippers. The two types that are commonly used are scissors and the guillotine. Be sure to use heavy-duty nail clippers for an adult Pit Bull.

Information on how to clip your dog's nails.

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How to Evaluate Your Dog's Food

Evaluating a dog food is a simple and straight-forward procedure of comparing certain characteristics of one food with those of other types of foods that are available to feed your dog. Regardless of whatever procedure you learn and use in order to effectively evaluate your dog's needs should have enough built-in flexibility that innovative dog feeders can adapt it to best fit your own situation and further reduce their margin of error.

When making an evaluation, the four characteristics of a satisfactory dog food, discussed below, should be used as the minimum standards that any food must meet. These four basic standards are:

1) A food should contain sufficient energy for daily activity.

2) A food should contain adequate nutrients, in proper relationship to each other.

3) A food should contain ingredients that are usable by a dog.

4) A food should be acceptable in a sufficient quantity to fully supply items 1 and items 2 above.

For one of the best premium foods for dogs, click here.

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Keeping Your Pit Bull Fenced In

Pit Bulls are very energetic and playful dogs. The perfect playground for them would be in an area where they can play for hours and hours without running into any trouble. A big back yard would be a perfect place for them. It is a place where they can be left unattended and also get plenty of exercise at the same time.

If your Pit Bull is going to be spending a good deal of his time in the yard, you need provide him with warm shelter during the winter and cool shade in the summer. More importantly, you will need to invest in a secure and sturdy fence. Pit Bulls are considered the “Houdini” of all dogs, and bored Pit Bulls make great escape artists. A secure and dependable fenced yard is often considered the best lifesaver for a Pit Bull.

Having an unfenced yard where your Pit Bull is able to run free is the most reckless thing you can do. Roaming around outside your property can cause them to be stolen, taken to the pound, or worse, hit by a car. Private fences such as stockade fences without cracks for him to peek through are the best choice. A fenced in yarded area will prevent your dog from being tempted to escape.

For more on Pit Bulls, click here.


Are You Ready for a Pit Bull?

Imagine you are considering buying a car ... Certain factors must be considered before you buy a car, so you do some research, look around, ask around, and even test drive a few cars. You want to make sure that you are getting a vehicle that is perfect for you, your personality, and your overall lifestyle.

So what about if you're considering buying a dog?

Well, the same factors should be applied before you get a dog, and especially if you are thinking about getting a Pit Bull. Because just like a big red powerful truck with a strong built and plenty of horsepower, a Pit bull may be the beautiful and strong powerful dog that you have been looking for but is simply not the dog that would fit your personality and lifestyle.

Before you decide to get a Pit Bull or any dog for that matter, you need to ask yourself if you truly are ready to take on the responsibility of owning a dog. In addition, you need to determine if you have enough experience with dogs to own a very powerful breed. Owning a Pit Bull requires a great deal of time, money, energy, and resources. Moreover, you need to be able to put in the commitment of having a Pit Bull for at least twelve or thirteen years, which is their average lifespan.

Pit Bull Information

Pit Bull Grooming Tips

Nail trimming should be introduced to your Pit Bull from the time he is a puppy. Start by handling the feet and nails daily and then begin by gently and carefully cutting the tips of the nails every week, taking care not to cut the nerve endings. Give your dog a treat after each cutting session.

More than just brushing his coat, your Pit Bull needs a regular bath. Start your bath training while he is still a puppy. Bring some treats into the tub to make bathing more enjoyable.

When cleaning the ears, avoid using a cotton swab because they can irritate the skin and pack debris into the ear canal. Do not use powder in the ear which can cake or hydrogen peroxide which leaves the ear moist. If you see a build-up of debris, clean it out by using an ear cleaning product that is especially made for that purpose.

Pit Bulls normally have healthy eyes. However, just like all dogs, they can suffer from eye problems that can rob them of their vision if left ignored. Examine your dog’s eyes once in a while to check for any signs of abnormalities or discharge.

Brush your Pit Bull’s teeth once or twice per week using a child or dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste. If it is hard for you to brush his teeth, your vet can provide a cleansing solution that helps kill plaque-forming bacteria.

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How to Determine What Your Pit Bull Puppy Will Look Like When He Grows Up

Are you trying to figure out how to choose a Pit Bull puppy that will grow up to have the look that you are desiring your dog to have? Then look no further than his parents

One tip when choosing a Pit Bull puppy is to choose the puppy that has the best parents and grandparents that you can find. Your Pit Bull puppy will grow up to be very similar to his parents. If the look of the Pit Bull puppy is important to you when he grows up, then again, seek out the parents. Do they have the look of the Pit Bull that you want your dog to grow up with?

This breed of dog is a great athlete with a ripping musculature body so be sure you are ready to have an athlete running around the house as the dog gets older. And regardless if you are choosing a male Pit Bull puppy or a female Pit Bull puppy, both will make equally find companions.

Dog Breed Information

Pit Bull Breed Information

More Dog Articles

Protein Deficiency in Dogs

There are three common causes of protein deficiency in a dog's diet: Insufficient total protein in the diet; imbalanced and poor-quality dietary protein; and bulky, low-energy diets.

1. Insufficient total protein in the diet. This cause is frequently seen in kennels of hunting dogs where their owners attempt to cut down. Such items, considered as lacking in protein, are cornbread, biscuits, oatmeal, boiled potatoes and cheap, dry dog foods composed mostly of cereal, may make up as much as 90 percent of these dogs' diet.

2. Imbalanced, poor-quality dietary protein. Imbalanced food containing inexpensive proteins of low biological value are frequently found among the 10-cent-a-can dog foods. The protein in such foods is usually gelatin, collagen, or those found in cereal wastes. A typical product is an example made from rejected pinto beans from a canning plant for humans' food.

3. Bulky, low-energy diets which cause the marginal amounts of protein present to be converted to energy. Foods, either canned or dry, containing too little fat or too much cereal wastes, tendons and similar indigestible materials are usually the cause of this type of protein deficiency.

For the best mix of protein and a complete nutritional food for your dog, click here.

Puppy Feeding Regime

The best time to determine the proper feeding programs for your pet is during puppy hood. Meanwhile, the average time for the dog owner to assume the responsibility of feeding a dog is at weaning. Sometimes, this task begins at birth or shortly right after. In some unfortunate circumstances where a puppy is orphaned, or in situations where the mother whelps so many puppies that she cannot feed them all, the dog owner may have to begin his feeding chores while the puppy is still only hours old.

Bur whether the puppy is five hours, five weeks or five months old, there are three basic feeding steps that are essential in any puppy feeding program. The first step is to weigh each puppy. A record of his weight and the date it was taken should be kept on a separate record for each one. The second step is to determine the type of diet to give to the puppy. This will depend on the stage of growth the puppy has attained. The third and final step in puppy feeding is to determine the quantity of food needed to start the program. This will depend on the age of the puppy, his weigh, and the caloric density of the food.

For further information on healthy food for puppies, click here.

A Natural Way to Cure Ringworm

Ringworm is a condition that is acquired through contact with the skin and hair of an infected dog or other animal. Ringworm is caused by a fungus that eats the skin and hair of its host. It usually appears in human as circular, scaly, red areas. As the parasite grows, it spreads inward forming a circular shape that looks like the shape of a ripple when you drop a stone in a pond.

In dogs, the affected area appears hairless, thickened, scabby, and irritated. They are usually disk-shaped and about one inch or more in diameter. A lot of ringworm cases transmitted by animals come from cats, although dogs can also carry the spores without showing any visible signs.

In humans as well as animals, the number of infection from ringworm is steadily increasing. In fact, ringworm infection is now among the most common if not the most common fungal disease reported. While children are more vulnerable to ringworm than adults, humans can get infected at any age. Here is a way you can treat ringworm using a common herb:

You may use the herb goldenseal and make a strong infusion by mixing the powdered herb with one cup of boiling water. Let it stand until cold then carefully pour the liquid and massage it on the skin about once or twice a day.

Better yet, for ultimate convenience, click here for a natural ringworm treatment which will rid your dog of ringworm, and keep him that way!

Taking Care of an Older Pit Bull

While your Put Bull may be healthy and active for a long time, one day you will look at him and be surprised to discover that his face has silvered and his gait has stiffened. He tends to sleep longer and more soundly now than he did when he was younger. You also notice that he is slower than he used to be.

Keep in mind that your Pit Bull has an average life expectancy of about 13 years, though many of them have reached old ages of 15 and 16. Your older Pit Bull still needs an active lifestyle in order for him to stay healthy. He can enjoy a full and vibrant life as he gets older as long as you know what extra measures to take.

Keep him active without putting too much stress on his joints. Walking with him is an excellent exercise, but running may be a bit too much. Swimming is also a great low-impact exercise as long as you keep him supervised and he does not get too cold. Because he is engaging in less physical activity and has a lower metabolic rate, he will require fewer calories than he used to.

Tapeworm Hydatids Disease

Dogs can pick up tapeworms by biting at or swallowing fleas. They can also catch the parasite by eating gophers which can carry the infectious form. Human infestation from tapeworms, although uncommon, can occur when we eat undercooked beef or pork infected from the organism. There is one type of tapeworm that can pose a treat to humans. This organism is the only variety of tapeworm that causes illness to both animals and people. The illness caused from this type of tapeworm is called Hydatid Disease.

This type of tapeworm can be found in the uncooked innards of cattle and sheep. The adult version of this parasite is relatively short, about five millimeters in length compared to the other type of tapeworm that occurs only in dogs which grows an average of one and a half feet in length.

This disease does not show any sign or symptom. Your vet will check the presence of this type of tapeworm by examining a stool specimen. Your vet will also prescribe treatment if the parasite is detected.

In order to prevent catching this type of disease, never feed your dog uncooked meat. Also, keep your children away from untreated dogs, especially rural dogs who usually pick up the worm through contact with the remains of dead livestock.

And prevent and treat worms naturally - click here.

What is Colostrum

No matter how close a puppy’s formula resembles the mother's milk, there is one ingredient that the dog owner cannot provide his puppy. This formula is the colostrum. Colostrum is found in the first few days of the mother's milk and protects her puppies from disease while their tiny bodies are learning to protect themselves.

There is no substitute for colostrum. Whenever possible, every newborn puppy should nurse a newly freshened female dog, even if she is not the puppy's own mother, for at least the first 24 hours of the puppy’s life. The losses among hand-fed puppies that fail to get colostrum during that first 24 hours are incredibly higher than among those that do. On the other hand, even colostrum cannot protect newborn puppies against the more dangerous bacteria. Also, colostrum cannot protect the puppy against overwhelming numbers of the less dangerous ones, such as numbers that come with unclean utensils and feeding equipment. When colostrum-filled milk is not available, the necessity for cleanliness and proper handling of all items used to house and feed the newborn puppies is increased ten-fold.

Colostrum can be lifesaving - it can support the immune system throughout life, and your dog can be in fabulous health always. The absolute best type of colostrum is transfer factors. Click here for information on immune support and transfer factors for your dog's ultra health!

Why Dogs May Have Trouble Conceiving

If your dog is unable to get pregnant and have puppies then the problem could be due to one of several factors. First of all, you should see your vet if you suspect that your dog is has a physical problem getting pregnant. The cause could be an infection, Metritis, an Ovarian cyst, or due to Hypoestrogenism.

Sexually transmitted infections such as brucellosis are a major cause of infertility in some countries. Carriers may have a high temperature or swollen joints. Metritis, which is a womb infection, prevents the fertilized eggs from implanting. If the problem lies within an Ovarian cyst, then this will prevent ovulation. Hypoestrogenism on the other hand, is when the ovaries are underdeveloped and results in low estrogen levels and no heat cycle.

A proper veterinary examination of your dog before mating can determine if there are any infections in the reproductive system. And if infections do exist, then your dog can be treated with antibiotics. If there is an Ovarian cyst present, then hormones can be given to your dog or the cyst can be removed surgically. If the tests show that the problem is Hypoestrogenism, then unfortunately there is no treatment.

For general dog health information, claim your special free dog health report - click here.

Rearing Puppies By Hand

Newborn puppies are totally dependent on their mother for the first three weeks of their lives. They need her for food, to keep them clean by licking, and to help them urinate and defecate and if the mother does not have enough milk, rejects her litter, or has died, you will need to learn how to properly rear the puppies.

* When bottle feeding the puppies, you must give them the milk formula initially every two hours. Consult a vet for guidance on the exact amounts to feed.

* After you have finished feeding the puppies, wipe away any spilled milk and clean each of their anogenital region with damp cotton. This process mimics maternal licking, which stimulates them to urinate and defecate.

* Clean each of the puppy’s eyes, ears, and mouth daily with cotton moistened in warm water. You may still handle them frequently even if their mother is around; just make sure that you do not upset her.

* You may have to trim their nails to prevent them from scratching their mother and one another.

* To properly keep track of their weight gain, carefully weigh each one daily. This will determine weak puppies and those that are not sufficiently getting enough milk. You can help puppies that cannot gain weight by helping them gain access to the most productive teats.

Healthy Dog Food and Healthy Puppy Food

Finding Your Lost Pit Bull

Pit Bulls are very loyal and trustworthy dogs that usually stick close to their owners. But even the most loyal of dogs can end up missing. With Pit Bulls, especially bored Pit Bulls, unexpected events happen and you may all of a sudden find that you and your Pit Bull are separated.

Too many dog owners take too long to realize that their dog is really not coming back on their own. You need to search for your dog as soon as you recognize that he is missing. These dog owners waste precious time in which they probably could have found their dog had they looked for them right away.

Once you realize that your Pit Bull is lost, be sure to adhere to the following 5 tips:

1. Start looking at the very worst place you can think of where your dog might be, usually the nearest road.

2. Hand out fliers with his picture in your neighborhood, parking lots, poles, vet clinics, police departments, and the animal shelter.

3. Put up an ad in the local newspaper.

4. Post large posters with his picture or a picture of a similar looking Pit Bull.

5. If your Pit Bull has been gone overnight, consider camping out where you last saw him.

When you have to leave the spot, leave his blanket, his cage, or some of your personal items in case your dog comes back while you are gone.

What about if you're the one whose lost? Well, okay, you might not get lost very often! But you could be in an accident. How can you be sure your Pit Bull would be looked after? Would anyone even know you have a Pit Bull at home? What if you can't tell them (you could be unconscious, or otherwise unable to give information)?

Here's your answer - Pet Home Rescue - it costs next to nothing for ultimate peace of mind!

Click here!