Thursday, April 12, 2007

Grooming Supplies for Your Pit Bull

Although your Pit Bull does not need a full cabinet of beauty aids like some dogs do, he will still need a few basic essentials. It is necessary for him to have a few health and grooming supplies to keep him looking sharp and feeling great. Having the right grooming supplies also enables you and your dog to have a more enjoyable grooming session.

A natural bristle brush is recommended in order to maintain his smooth and shiny coat. While Pit Bulls do not get tangled hair, a brush is necessary to remove dead hair, stimulate the skin, and distribute oils. It is not necessary to brush his coat everyday; however it is a great way to give your dog a little pampering that he deserves. Brushing your Pit Bull also gives you the opportunity to spend quality time with him which helps in creating a stronger bond between you and your pet.

For bathing, you can either use a regular dog shampoo or a tearless shampoo. It is also good to have a rinse-free shampoo handy for quick-fixes.

In addition, have your Pit Bull get used to having his teeth brushed while he is still a puppy. You may add a meat flavored doggy toothpaste to make the task more enjoyable for your dog.

Lastly, you will need a good pair of nail clippers. The two types that are commonly used are scissors and the guillotine. Be sure to use heavy-duty nail clippers for an adult Pit Bull.

Information on how to clip your dog's nails.

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