Monday, July 12, 2010

Cats Behavior - Variety Is The Catnip Of Life

Cats behavior is so different for each cat, ranging from being your best bud to the haughty queen, that it just adds to the reasons that cat lovers enjoy their companions, besides the more obious physical differences.

Every cat has his or her own character and peculiarities. Growing up with thirteen of them at once can therefore be quite entertaining and amusing. Pansy was one of our first cats and she was on the quieter side. She enjoyed spending time resting on our dictionaries and reference books.

Eric the short-haired orange tabby did not have the best litter box habits, but this was countered by his loyalty and presence when one was ill mentally or physically. Tinker was the most intelligent. He could open a step-on rubbish bin with ease, and would make music for half a day if the strings of my guitar were available.

An important thing for you to know about your cats behavior is what is "normal" for him or her. If he goes nuts running up and down the hallway every night at the same time it's probably one of his eccentricities. The same behavior in a cat that is normally more peaceful might be a clue that there is something disturbing her, which could be anything from not feeling well to resenting your Aunt Tillie's visit.

Cats are affected by changes in their environment and want things a certain way - their way. I learned this when my feline decided she detested the cat little we were using in her box. She simply stopped using the litter box and I eventually realized she preferred ripped newsprint. Other reasons a cat might stop using their cat box and instead soil their environment by spraying or defecating is because of changes that affect their sense of safety or make them feel insecure and unstable.

Basically, you have to be aware that cats behavior can be just as diverse as human behavior. It is best to be strongly aware of what is considered standard behavior for your cat, so that if there is a sudden change in behavior you can know what your cat is trying to tell you.

An individual cats behavior varies from cat to cat. You could get anything from loving to distant, oddball to boring, and numerous other behaviors as well. However, a sudden shift in routine may cause unusual cat behavior such as missing the mark when it comes to their little box or deciding they do not care for the brand of litter you are using. The more cat lovers know about what's baseline "normal" for your cat the easier it will be for you to pick up on behavioral variations that are trying to tell you something.

-Paul Proctor



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