Monday, July 26, 2010

Dog Information: Why Go Organic?

Feeding your dog healthy food is an integral part of proper pet care. Dog food is either bought from pet stores or made by the owner himself. The pet food market offers everything from popular, low-priced brands to healthy, organic dog food brands. Holistic vets often recommend organic brands because of their many benefits. Organic dog foods can be purchased from stores or cooked from other ingredients. Healthy dog food is usually not advised by conventional vets since they don't have enough pet nutrition knowledge.

Those who prefer to come up with their own natural balance dog food should use the following ingredients.For the dog's share of protein, the meal should include eggs and meats. Use a meat grinder to divide them into biteable sizes. Organic meat must measure around four cups. Vitamins and minerals are provided through vegetables, starches, and garlic. Place about three cups of finely chopped or shredded vegetables. It's also helpful to include four cups of whole grains and a teaspoon of olive oil.

Never add onions, mushrooms, chocolate, grapes, and raisins to the meal. You can cook the food, especially if it includes dog poultry but you can also serve it raw. Your dog can absorb more nutrients if the meat is juicy. Always keep these tips in mind during meal preparation.

There are also all kinds of organic brands in the dog food market. But buying organic dog food entails more caution and necessary dog information. Always check if the ingredients are really organic. A good number of brands label their food as natural. In some cases, natural isn't organic.

For your first purchase, get the dog food in small quantities. You will first need to experiment and see what your pet prefers. For each new meal, mix the organic brand with the present food. This will give your pet a comfortable transition into the new brand. As soon as your dog prefers the new brand, buy more of it.

Buying or making your own organic dog food is always healthy for your pet. The dog is able to enjoy less allergies and a healthy weight. A balanced diet also avoids digestion problems. Whatever your preference, your dog will enjoy less visits to the vet and a stress-free lifestyle.

Natural balance dog food provides your pet a healthy lifestyle. Most organic dog food brands offer this harmless and beneficial alternative for animals. With an organic diet, your pet will enjoy a balanced weight, disease or illness prevention, and improved movement. Before buying any specific brands or making your own food, you must be aware of some important dog information. One of which is including enough proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Never include chocolate or mushrooms to the meal.

-Brigitte Smith



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