Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dog Food Made Quick and Easy

Dogs are said to be man's best friend, they are the ultimate family companions. They are loyal, give unconditional love and will always be happy to see you. However, some people do not get to enjoy the company of a dog or any pet for that matter due to their constricting daily schedule that leaves little time to go out and get dog food, let alone prepare healthy all natural meals that would be optimal to a dog's development.

In fact, some dog owners are already struggling with the feeding of their family pet and are finding it increasingly difficult to provide a health and well balanced meal that their dog would enjoy. Sure there is readily available dog treats out in the market, but processed pellets sometimes offer fewer nutrients than what a dog should have. The solution is readily at hand, Sojos food - the best kind of dog food!

A great alternative to pellet type dog food, Sojos food is all natural, since Solid Gold pet food specializes in pet treats that have no preservatives or saturated fat. Having no preservatives, Sojos is healthy and will ensure that your dog has nothing but the best quality food that will provide all the daily nutritional values needed by your family pet. Simple and easy to prepare Sojos is the answer to all your time constraints.

The quick and easy setup of a Sojos meal is so simple anyone can do it. Just prepare portions of the food mix, meat and water, then mix all the ingredients together and you're done. That's how simple it is to prepare quality dog food for your pet. Multiple batch preparation is also no fuss, just prepare the proportionate amount of food you need, and mix all the ingredients together, the mixture will hold in the refrigerator for a while, so you are free to use it when needed!

Sojos is designed with no fuss, so aside from its easy to prepare nature, the food mixture is also resistant to spoiling. Though it has no preservatives, the unmixed portion of the food mixture will keep for 6 to 8 months, saving you the trouble of going to the store to get new packs of food to replace the spoiled ones.

Lastly, Sojos can be prepared anyway you like! Though it is perfectly safe to feed your pet raw meat, if you are more comfortable serving your dog with cooked meat, then you may do so. If you wish to add greens and other veggies to your pet's diet you can easily do so with Sojos as the food mix is versatile and will still offer the same amount of nutrients to your dog!

The very best alternative to store bought dog food is Sojos food. Having no preservatives but just all natural ingredients, vitamins and nutrients Sojos is the quick and easy way to prepare natural and healthy meals for your pet. It's so simple anyone can do it, simply add water and meat to the food mixture and you're ready to go! This product was developed by Solid Gold pet food so you can be sure that it is all natural!

-Melinda Smith



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